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Pembroke Welsh Corgi Club of America, Inc.

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PWCCA Judges Education Committee Color Statement

Please refer to Colors of the PWC for photographs of acceptable/unacceptable coat colors.

The only accepted colors for the Pembroke Welsh Corgi are red, sable, fawn, black and tan with or without white markings. 

Brindle and merle in either red or blue are NOT naturally occurring or accepted colors for Pembroke Welsh Corgis.  If a merle or brindle Pembroke Welsh Corgi should appear in the conformation ring, the Pembroke Welsh Corgi Club of America asks that the judge withhold a ribbon from that exhibit.

Dogs with body color appearing off-white (sometimes called “champagne” or “silver”) due to insufficient pheomelanin are not light fawn, and despite having normal black nose and eye rim pigmentation, are NOT consistent with the standard. The PWCCA requests that judges not award Champion or Grand Champion points to dogs with this trait.

Pembroke Welsh Corgi Club of America, Inc.

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